Monsters that kill themselves (such as Goblins' Bomb Toss, Bombs' Self-Destruct, and Bees' Final Sting) do not count towards the kill total. Abilities (such as Jump) that finish off the monster, do not count towards the kill total. For this reason, WAR/BLM casting Black Magic to weaken enemies, with Fields of Valor Refresh active, is a very effective strategy for low level Warriors. As long as the finishing blow is dealt with the Chaosbringer, the method(s) used to damage the monster are irrelevant. Must kill with a regular or critical strike as stated above. For it to count as a kill, the finishing blow must be made through a regular or critical strike with the Chaosbringer. The blade does not have to be equipped it must simply be in your inventory. You can travel to Beadeaux as ANY job, not just Warrior or Rune Fencer.
Once you have defeated 100 enemies, take the blade and zone into Beadeaux for a cutscene to unlock Dark Knight. It doesn't matter what you kill, as long as the sword is equipped and deals the final blow with a standard/critical melee strike. Kill 100 enemies with Chaosbringer equipped.
If you drop the Chaosbringer, you may take the ferry in the Palborough Mines once more to receive another.Anyone can pull the lever, you need only make the trip.Get on the boat and pull the lever to zone into Zeruhn Mines from the boat to receive a cutscene and the Chaosbringer, a level 1 Great Sword for Warriors, Dark Knights, and Rune Fencers.
If you have the map for Palborough Mines, the third floor has a giant burn hole in the center. Otherwise, go from Port Bastok to North Gustaberg and enter the mines at (K-3).Fastest way is via the Palborough Mines Home Point #1 at (H-10).The quest Great Sword Weaponskill quest Inheritance ( Ground Strike) seems to take priority over this quest, so it is important to make sure to get the correct cutscene/dialogue from Gumbah.Make sure you check your quest log before heading to Palborough Mines.He is located on the upper floor in Bastok Mines inside the house at J-7. Speak with Gumbah until he gives you the cutscene that starts this quest.